In Sweden students had to do homework about saving water.
Here is Henrik´s homework, he is ten years old. His homework was to write a diary for three days. I send you only his first day. After his three days, he has to answer some questions, you can see it below.
Tuesday 25/10
Flushed one time
Washed my face
Brushed my teeth
One glass of water
Washed my hands
three glasses of water
Washed my hands
After school activities
Flushed one time
One glass of water
Washed my hands
Brushed my teeth
Flushed once
Totally: 24,3 litres
1. What can you do to reduce your water consumption? Why is it important to reduce our water consumption?
Not wasting the water and let it run for so long. I can drink milk instead. (;-D)
It is important for the environment and it costs money to clean the water.
2. How much water do you think you need during one day?
ca 3 litres of water, I think
3. In a year you drink five times your own body weight. How many glasses are there in one year. One glass is two decillitres.
My weight is 40 kilos.
40 X 5 = 2000 kg
2000 = 1000 glasses.

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