Dzīve pie upes
Mūsu upe ir skaista un tīra,
Tā ir gara, ātra un brīva.
Tā var būt gan dziļa, gan sekla,
Gan netīra, gan tīra.
Mana dzīve pie upes ir brīnišķīga,
Redzēt to un dzirdēt to ir maģiski.
Mēs varam lepoties ar savu upi,
Mēs varam priecāties par tās daiļumu.
Life on the River
Our river is beautiful and clean,
It is a long, fast and free.
It can be both deep and shallow,
Both dirty and clean.
My life on the river is great,
See it and hear it is magical.
We can be proud of their river
We can rejoice in its beauty.
Šī upe Lielā Jugla,
Plūstot cauri mūsu ciematam
Nes tā savos viļņos,
Prieka un sajūsmas šalkas.
Upe līkumaina,
Atvaraina, zivju bagāta,
Tāpēc zivis ķeru es,
Gan vasarā, gan ziemā.
The river
The River Liela Jugla,
Flowing through our village
Brings it into the waves,
Joy and delight rustling.
The river is sinuous,
Fast and rich in fish,
So I fishing I really like,
In both summer and winter.
Upes stāsts
Upe ir kā mans dzīvesstāsts
Nebeidzīgs ar straujiem pagriezieniem,
kā mana dzīve.
Tā vilina sevi ar savu varenību
To neviens nav veidojis, jo tā pati sevi veido.
Tā burbuļo.
Skalo krastus un virpuļo.
Kā nebeidzīgs stāsts, tā mana Lielā Jugla.
The story of our river
The river is like my life story
Never ending with sharp corners
As my life.
It tempts itself to its greatness
It has never been made by someone just formed the shape itself.
It is bubbling.
Washing the shores, and whirling.
Like a never ending story of my life.
Mana dzīve pie upes.
Upe, pie kuras dzīvoju es,
Ir skaistākā, ko redzējusi es.
Sēžot pie upes, pārdomu pilna galva,
skatoties saulrietā, kavējos atmiņās.
Sēžot upes krastā, skatos un domāju es,
Kā spāres un taureņi priecājas par dzīvi,
Pie upes šīs!
My life on the river.
The river, to which I live,
Is the most beautiful thing that I've ever seen
Sitting by the river, a full head of thouhts,
watching the sunset, my memories linger.
Sitting on the the bank of the river, looking around and I thinking,
As dragonflies and butterflies celebrate life,
Above the river!
svētdiena, 2012. gada 24. jūnijs
piektdiena, 2012. gada 15. jūnijs
Poems about the rivers from Italy
La vita di un fiume
Un bel fiume nasce tra le montagne,
Gelido, impetuoso,
Scivola sulla neve.
Un bel fiume scorre in pianura,
Lento, sereno
Corre fra i fili d’erba
Un bel fiume sfocia nel lago,
Tranquillo, felice
Saltella con le rane.
Un bel fiume sfocia nel mare,
Calmo, allegro
Gioca coi pesci.
Un bel fiume nasce, corre, sfocia,
Non sempre calmo
Non sempre tranquillo
Non sempre lento
Ma sempre pieno di vita
The life of a river
A lovely river rises among the mountains
Frosty, rushing,
It slides on the snow
A lovely river flows in the country
Slow, calm,
It flows among blades of grass
A lovely river flows into the lake,
calm, happy
It jumps with the frogs
A lovely river flows into the sea,
Quiet, happy
It plays with the fish
A lovely river rises, runs, flows,
No calm
No quiet
No slow
But always full of life
Il fiume che attraversa la città
Quando si arrabbia, tutto invaderà.
I rifiuti non dovete buttare
Perché l’acqua non si deve inquinare.
Quando tutto questo finirà
Nessuno in pericolo più sarà.
Intorno al fiume i rifiuti non lasciare,
quando traboccherà gli arbusti rimuoverà.
Per vivere in armonia e pace
La natura devi rispettare
E l’ambiente non danneggi
The river crossing is the city
The river is crossing the city
When it will get angry
It will flood everywhere
You don’t have to throw waste into the river
Because you don’t have to pollute the water!
When everything will be all over
Nobody will be anymore in danger.
Around the river don’t leave waste
When it will overflow its banks
It will remove the shrubs.
To live in harmony,
In peace with everyone
The nature you have to respect
and the environment don’t damage.
Gelido, impetuoso,
Scivola sulla neve.
Un bel fiume scorre in pianura,
Lento, sereno
Corre fra i fili d’erba
Un bel fiume sfocia nel lago,
Tranquillo, felice
Saltella con le rane.
Un bel fiume sfocia nel mare,
Calmo, allegro
Gioca coi pesci.
Un bel fiume nasce, corre, sfocia,
Non sempre calmo
Non sempre tranquillo
Non sempre lento
Ma sempre pieno di vita
The life of a river
A lovely river rises among the mountains
Frosty, rushing,
It slides on the snow
A lovely river flows in the country
Slow, calm,
It flows among blades of grass
A lovely river flows into the lake,
calm, happy
It jumps with the frogs
A lovely river flows into the sea,
Quiet, happy
It plays with the fish
A lovely river rises, runs, flows,
No calm
No quiet
No slow
But always full of life
Il fiume che attraversa la città
Quando si arrabbia, tutto invaderà.
I rifiuti non dovete buttare
Perché l’acqua non si deve inquinare.
Quando tutto questo finirà
Nessuno in pericolo più sarà.
Intorno al fiume i rifiuti non lasciare,
quando traboccherà gli arbusti rimuoverà.
Per vivere in armonia e pace
La natura devi rispettare
E l’ambiente non danneggi
The river crossing is the city
The river is crossing the city
When it will get angry
It will flood everywhere
You don’t have to throw waste into the river
Because you don’t have to pollute the water!
When everything will be all over
Nobody will be anymore in danger.
Around the river don’t leave waste
When it will overflow its banks
It will remove the shrubs.
To live in harmony,
In peace with everyone
The nature you have to respect
and the environment don’t damage.
Il Fiume
Oh fiume mio
Che mi lasci una
Scia nel cuor
Sei per me
Come un nastro azzurro
Che scorre nella terra.
The river
Oh my river
You leave a track
In my heart
You are for me
A light blue ribbon
That flows across the earth.
Il fiume
Oh fiume mio
Che mi lasci una
Scia nel cuor
Sei per me
Come un nastro azzurro
Che scorre nella terra.
The river
Oh my river
You leave a track
In my heart
You are for me
A light blue ribbon
That flows across the earth.
Il fiume
Sono seduto
Vicino alla riva
E vedo il fiume che arriva.
Cosa porterà?
Dove arriverà?
Viaggia e viaggia
Nel futuro che verrà.
Oh fiume bello!
Pieno di mille abitanti
E già che siete in tanti
Dove andate tutti quanti?
Oh fiume mio
Che scendi dal pendio:
Dove arriverai?
Questo, tu lo sai?
The river
I’m sitting
On the bank
And I can see
The river approach.
What will it boring?
When will it get to?
It will travel and travel
Across the future that will came.
Oh beautiful river
Full of thousand people
Since you are thousand
Where will you all go?
Oh my river,
You go down the hill
Where will you arrive?
Do you know where?
Vicino alla riva
E vedo il fiume che arriva.
Cosa porterà?
Dove arriverà?
Viaggia e viaggia
Nel futuro che verrà.
Oh fiume bello!
Pieno di mille abitanti
E già che siete in tanti
Dove andate tutti quanti?
Oh fiume mio
Che scendi dal pendio:
Dove arriverai?
Questo, tu lo sai?
The river
I’m sitting
On the bank
And I can see
The river approach.
What will it boring?
When will it get to?
It will travel and travel
Across the future that will came.
Oh beautiful river
Full of thousand people
Since you are thousand
Where will you all go?
Oh my river,
You go down the hill
Where will you arrive?
Do you know where?
Ziņas (Atom)